April 2, 2010

Low Score Episode 43 "All Those Four Score Games"

In this episode: Issues of game design innovation keeping up with technological innovation, stretching your gaming budget for the spring and summer, and five games you love but have trouble going back to.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: holy crap! All our episodes may be BIG episodes, but 43 is bigger than usual.

We haven't played a whole lot of new stuff, so we discuss briefly Final Fantasys XIII and V, Bad Company 2, Street Fighter IV, and Mega Man 10.

We quickly move into news, including the release of the Xbox Arcade, trailers for Metroid: Other M and the new Spider-Man game, and Nintendo's announcement of a 3DS.

This leads us into our first discussion topic: is technology moving faster than game design innovation? We talk 3D games, motion peripherals, and the lifecycle of consoles. We then move into ways you can stretch your gaming budget this spring and summer with TONS of advice. TONS.

And, of course, good morning captain to you as we do THE LIST "five games you love that you can't go back and play because you know (or are afraid) they won't hold up."

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Opening music by virt

Awesome album art by r4r3truffle.

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