December 8, 2010

Low Score Episode 55 "A Stack of Obligations"

Short but sweet, Bobby and J talk Rock Band 3, Fallout New Vegas, gaming in the Clinton years versus the Bush Jr. years, and THE LIST.

Though Black Friday came and went without much a stir, it did (to everybody's surprise) convince Bobby to buy Rock Band 3. But he wasn't the only one drumming away—J finished three of the New Vegas endings and closed the book on this chapter of the Fallout tale.

Inspired by a discussion topic on the Gamers at UVA forums, Bobby and J discuss gaming in the Clinton era versus gaming in the George W. years.

And THE LIST this week challenged us to pick five major games from 2000-2010 we missed out on.

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Opening music by virt

Awesome album art by r4r3truffle.

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