November 24, 2010

Low Score Episode 54 "Both Bandit and Ghost Trains"

A totally classic episode of the Low Score podcast. J and Bobby address the litany of games they've played, things in the news, and a Thanksgiving themed THE LIST.

The past few weeks have been anything but a lull in our game playing. Bobby somehow ended up with a copy of Black Ops, Bobby and J rocked through Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution, Bobby, J, and Jimmy finished Halo: Reach on legendary, and J still managed to squeeze in a good number of New Vegas hours.

We talked Black Friday deals, addressed some sales numbers, pontificated over release dates, and came to the realization that we want a Lego Space game.

And the THE LIST! It's our five Dinner Sandwich games.

And remember what we always say about Thanksgiving: It's like Christmas!

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Opening music by virt

Awesome album art by r4r3truffle.

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