July 23, 2009

Low Score Episode 25 "J's Big Announcement"

Big Episode 25! We being with a little listener feedback about episode 24, clarifying a few things and making us explain ourselves.

Rather than just talk Fallout 3, J and Bobby have played a bunch of different games including Rock Band 2, FFVII, Battlefield 1943, My World My Way, and Red Faction: Guerilla. It's then onto the news! Bioshock 2 was delayed, Harmonix unveiled the Rock Band Network for user-submitted songs, and the future of indie games on XBLA.

Our discussion topic this week is of our favorite boss battles. Bobby and J kept their choices a surprise from each other, so prepare for 11 excellent bosses!

Oh, and hey! By the way. We really want you to spread the word about Low Score, so please tell your friends!

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Music by virt

July 10, 2009

Low Score Episode 24 "It's Been a Year"

One year ago today the first episode of the Low Score podcast was uploaded to the Internet for everyone to enjoy. 24 episodes later, we're still doin' the damn thing. And this week, we bring you one of our finest podcasts ever.

We play a little catch-up as Bobby lists off some recent purchases, J continues to sing the praises of Fallout 3 in the form of Point Lookout, Bobby plays some Battlefield Heroes, and we both get a little nerdy about the new Magic: The Gathering game for Xbox Live Arcade.

We also do a bit of news and commentary for the first time in a while: PS3 price drops?, World of Warcraft Themed Peggle, LucasArts games hit Steam, and a new old Final Fantasy game.

The bulk of the podcast comes from a suggestion that friend-of-the-show Kevin (sometimes co-host-of-the-show as well) gave for the After Hours podcast. It's all about our personal "Low Scores." We'll leave the categories of discussion a surprise, but will tell you that it deals with us being poor game players on numerous levels.

Please to enjoy!

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Awesome tunes by virt

July 7, 2009

Low Score After Hours "Vaguely Alliterative"

Only moments after we finished recording Big Episode 23 of the Low Score Podcast, we recorded what we've termed "After Hours," a podcast by the Low Score hosts that is about anything but videogames. Last time we did something like this we got some useful feedback that helped us decide to split out evening recording session into two episodes.

Bobby, J, Jimmy, Kevin, Carrie, and Allison all took up spots in front of the microphones to talk beer, snacks, and music. And to argue a bunch. And to talk off microphone. And to throw zingers around and do schtick for you, our awesome listening audience. And, perhaps most imporantly, put dogs in our shirts.

We apologize that the audio quality isn't that great, but it was a lot of fun to record and we hope you find humor in our drunken shenanigans!

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