January 27, 2011

Low Score Episode 57 "Bomb Ass King Outfit"

Jimmy joins us to discuss many Xbox games, the news of the day, and five games that we wish had New Game Plus.

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Opening music by virt

Album art by r4r3truffle.

January 21, 2011

Low Score Episode MAGFest 9

Recorded on the last day of MAGFest 9.

Listen as we're joined by a handful of good friends of the show to discuss our most excellent MAGFest 9 weekend.

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Opening music by virt

Awesome album art by r4r3truffle.

January 20, 2011

THE LIST: 5 Games You Wish Had New Game +

Here's an easy one for ya. We want to know the five games in which you'd like to see New Game +. You know, the feature that lets you play through the game again using the stats and items you acquired the first time around. Perhaps you want to replay a game but don't want to trudge through it again. Or perhaps you want the chance to max out your stats because you want to be a super badass.

Leave us your THE LIST in the comments and we'll read them in episode 57.

January 7, 2011

Low Score Episode 56 "She Wears a Hood"

The first podcast of the year wraps-up last year with our personal top tens and a handful of THE LISTs.

Back from the holidays, Bobby and J do a little year-end wrap-up. Bobby has finally had a chance to mosey in New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso in Red Dead Redemption. J was shocked by how much he enjoyed Alan Wake.

We've made a bunch of lists this week. One of them is our top ten favorite games of the year. The other four are THE LISTs: five games of 2010 you've yet to play, five favorite moments of the year, five biggest surprises of 2010, and and the five things in 2011 we're looking forward to.

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Opening music by virt

Album art by r4r3truffle.